Our Learning - Summer 2024
Our Learning - Spring 2024
This half term, we have been exploring our topic of 'Where are we Going?' with the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt!'. Learners have used the colourful semantics 'who', 'what doing' and 'where' to describe what they can see happening in each picture and making predictions about how the story might end. We have enjoyed making our story map to retell the story using actions and concept words. Learners were able to retrieve our concept words 'family' and 'wet' from Autumn 1 to describe what happens at the end of the story. Learners went on their own bear hunt with Mrs Berry and enjoyed tiptoeing into the forest role play area to find the bear hiding!
Changes in the weather
As we approach Winter, we have been looking at spotting changes in the weather and sorting through which items of clothing we might need depending on the weather. Learners knew that we need to wear gloves, hats and scarves during Winter, not sunglasses! This half term, we are reading the text 'Snowballs' and learning about why the snowman melts when the sun comes out. Learners were fascinated to learn that we can make ice from freezing water and used their curiosity learning power to explore what happens to the ice if it becomes warm with Mrs Berry! We have been retrieving what we know about the leaves on the trees in Autumn and how the trees change in Winter. Learners were very excited to see that it snowed and enjoyed making the snow family from our story!
Our Learning - Autumn 2024
We have been reading the text 'Dear Santa', learning about the gift of giving and the traditions of Christmas. Learners enjoyed making their own sleigh and finding out how gifts are delivered. We enjoyed decorating a small, medium and large Christmas tree, as we learnt that a large Christmas tree needs 'more' baubles! Learners enjoyed meeting Santa Claus and singing Christmas songs.
This half term, nursery had a visit from SMJ Falconry to support our learning of the story 'Owl Babies'. Learners were very excited to see a tawny owl, 'Fluffy', that looked just like the owl mother from the Owl Babies story! We watched in fascination as the barn owl 'JD' swooped silently and were given lots of real owl feathers to feel. They were very soft and smooth! Learners were also given the opportunity to hold the smallest owl, 'Twiglet'. He was very cheeky and reminded us of 'Bill', the owl baby from our story.
This half term, we have explored the nursery rhymes 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes', 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star', 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' and 'Incy Wincy Spider'. Our learners have enjoyed using actions and musical instruments to sing the nursery rhymes- our favourite nursery rhyme is 'Incy Wincy Spider'! Learners were very excited to look for spiders around the school playground and were fascinated with the spider web we found hiding under a log! We have been exploring light using torches and shadows, learnt the parts of our bodies and we have listened to the noises that some farm animals make.
We have been learning all about our families and who lives in our house. Learners enjoyed looking at Miss Tillotson's two cats and talking about who else has pets. We have been learning the Makaton sign for 'family' and learning about the names of our brothers and sisters. Learners have been practising some super mark making skills, drawing who lives in their house. In our role play area, learners have been imitating some every day household activities, putting baby to sleep, ironing the clothes and making tea. We have enjoyed learning all about the parts of our bodies, especially our hands and the importance of hand washing!
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