"How To" Video Guides


Mrs. Berry's quick "how to" log on and use the "Charanga" - Lancashire's Music Website. 

Miss Ormerod's quick "how to" log on and use the "NUMBOTS" -  Website. 

Miss Murphy's quick "how to" log on and use the "White Rose Maths" Website.

Mrs. MacQuarrie's "how to" log on and use the "Accelerated Reader" Website. 

Mrs. Keen's quick "how to" log on and use the "Oxford Owl" -  Website. 

Mrs. Fenna's quick "how to" log on and use the "White Rose Maths" Website.

How to send attachments using Apple.

Mrs. MacQuarrie's "how to" log on and use the "myOn" Website. 

Mrs. Hope's quick "how to" log on and use "Prodigy Maths" -  Website. 

Mr. Oates "how to" add attachments to emails on an Android smartphone .